i can use interactive web media in my future when i have kids to help with projects or for work
11 -ASCII art
was in word and i used different icons to creats the animals and then measured them and pasted them on a long blank new file
12 -photoshop bugs
was in photoshop and used ifferent letters to create bugs and changed them different sizes and directions
13 -word fun
in illistrator we used the draw tool to create different types of letters and used different fonts to screate a different style
14 -
took a photo of a bed and typed the word bug out and made the wood lap over onto the word and placed it as the backboard and added a little tiny bug to create the word bed bug
15 -
in photoshop i took the the word character and typed the meaning and then place an example in the middle and labled it to help show the deffiniton
16 -
created the shape of a fish shape in illistrator and filled it with black and dropped the outline of it and typed white words in it and ungrouped them and was able to moved them in all types of ways
17 -
took the outline of a magazine article made the back fade added the picture of chicken and used the same font that matched and added the words