Melquis Santiesteban

I work on these images with diligence, I always try my hardest and each composite image has a different style - just to be purposefully different but all based around foods. The work I did here shows off the extent of my ability in photoshop as I learned this new program and how it worked. Photoshop isn't too hard to use but I learned it can be used for so many things once you learned enough about it. You could make so many things, as in some of the things posted here; business cards, templates for CD cases, Badges, you can manipulate textures for backgrounds, you could make posters for organizations, you are only limited by your imagination in this program. Again, the work here is what I could acomplish and I hope you take into consideration to let me be used as an asset in helping to create more desired images. Please contact me at , Thank you.

License plate



business card

Finished CD Template




Announcement - Spring Forward