Over Raul Tamayo Aguilera

The road to achieving my Goals.

Over Raul Tamayo - november 19 2018

Since I have memorie I always wanted to get a nice job to help support my family in cuba, I will like to either work at designing websites, Photoshop selections or being a broker. I am giving my best at school and putting as much effort as i can to accomplish those dreams. At the beganing when i was in middle schools i didnt care about my grades as much as i do now i always had A and B's maybe 1 C but later on i fixed them. That changed a lot when i got to high school i wanted to get scholarships and a lot of kees money that way my parents wont have to help me pay my collage debt. As soon as I start working i will like to get my first sports car. I really like cars specially manual one i will like to make my way up to better sport car as time goes. I also want to make enaff money to help my parents as much as i can when they retire because they help me all their lifes so next is my turn to help them since I have the oppotunity to study. Since i have that opportunity that not all the people around the world have I will take as much advantage of it as I possibly can and make the most out of It.
To see more of my work view my gallery.

To contact me use this Email overraul02@yahoo.com