Create a new folder
The first phase of the presentation development is gathering data. It is extremely important to stay organized. This begins with creating good names of directories and files. Before you begin to gather evidence to support your presentation create a new folder in your Google drive. Name this folder "BOSS2020_your-Name."
Save all work for the presentation in the "BOSS2020_your-Name" folder.
Gathering Files
You should have artifacts saved in your Digital Backpack of Success Skill folder on your Google account. At the beginning of each school year, the previous school year Backpack of success skills Digital files are archived. Any artifact that you feel is important to your presentation should be copied into the "BOSS2020_your-Name" folder. Making a copy of the work will ensure proper viewing rights (files can be locked and not allowed to edit) will be maintained within another Google application when links are used. Google Slides, or Google Sites will be used as the platform for the defense presentation. A few tricks to learn, but Google Suite is a very user friendly environment.
Some work may be on the JCPS network drive. These files will need to be uploaded to your "BOSS2020_your-Name" folder. If you can't find your work on the network drive you should search computers where you didn't backup the work to your Google drive or JCPS student account. Other locations to check for work: Drop Box, Onedrive, Github, USB drives, your phone for photos, school social media accounts.
Some files will be in your archived JCPS BOSS folder. Follow this link for instructions to locate archived files.
File names
Make sure to use good file names. Use the same name as the title of the document if possible and include your name.
Necessary Documented Evidence
You will need a minimum of one artifact for each standard to support your defense presentation. This Google Slide names and describes each standard. This would be a good time to refresh your knowledge on the Backpack of Success Skills Terminology. Follow this link to access BOSS terminology.
Each project can represent only one standard. Projects will cover more than one category, using the BOSS 2020 checklist you should find the strongest fit. More information to come about the checklist. At this time search any archived folders for additional assignments to use for your defense. Save all the projects that you feel have value. As the artifacts are cataloged into the checklist the lightbar will display where criteria was met thus visually displaying the strengths of the artifact. Catalog artifacts, as you tab through them you can see where projects alights to different standards. Use each artifact for it's strengths. 8 total artifacts using a unique artifact for each standard. So get organized and gather files. For each artifact you use write a summary: [describe the project] [describe your role] [what was the highs and lows] [the major take away] [describe your academic growth]
Helpful Files
Files to have ASAP. Some of these are not required but will help you when you create other written documents that are.
This would be a good time to make sure to have these files in your "BOSS2020_your-Name" folder:
Necessary Documented Evidence
Using the BOSS standards and project titles, generate heading and subheading for each:
Link to writing prompts
Consider using tools such as Grammarly- writing assistant tool.
Writing support
Several teachers have signed up to assist you with the writing components for your presentation. Before sharing your work consider using tools such as: Grammarly or Google Docs (Tools> Spelling and grammar…) to check your work. When you are ready for assistance make sure to provide permission to "edit."
See Mr Brown in room 117 for list of support agents
Example of formatting , Follow formatting example when you share it with a language arts specialist.
You have these from the checklist copy and paste
Summary for each artifact:
(Prepared and Resilient Learner (Lit & Num),Globally and Culturally Competent Citizen, Emerging Innovator, Effective Communicator, Productive Collaborator, School Signature Item)
For each artifact: describe the project, describe your role, what were the highs and lows, the major take away, describe your "academic growth."
Continuing on the same Google doc as your summaries from your outline, add the following:
SCHOOL SIGNATURE ITEM - Academic performance indicators
Create a new folder to gather images
Name the folder "BOSS images"
Choose visual support
Choosing visual representation for each of the 8 standards.
Does not need to be an exact replication of the work.
Could be multiple images,
Check School Social media for images
Image of you performing the activity
Bad ideas for images
Not a good idea to capture the image of your essay and shrink it to fit the presentation slide. No one will be able to read it. You could crop a portion of the image a place it to use as a teaser. Show just enough of the artifact so that your audience want to see more. Or might provoke a question.
How to get images for my presentation
When you begin to save images it is important to make good file names. Include the project name and number. Example: AmazonFire-1.jpg. You will definitely benefit by including "-number" in the file name, especially when multiple images are used for a single artifact. This level of organization will save valuable time and less stress when you're working with the support team.
Screenshot- To take a picture of the computer screen is called a "screenshot." You can capture the image of the computer monitor by pressing the "PrtScn" button and pasting the "captured image" into a document, paint, or Photoshop.
Images on your phone- There may be images on your phone. To move these you can email them to yourself, or install/use the Google Drive App on your phone.
Images, Adjustments, Scale, Crop
Don't crop or change any of the images at this time. The next step is designing your presentation. You will prepare your images after you finalize a Presentation Theme.
Next: Presentation Platform/Software, selecting a presentation format
At this time your "copy" should be all in one text document Google doc, etc.. Make sure to have the presentation design completed before placing the words into the slides. When the design is finalized you will be able to copy and paste the text into the presenter's notes. From there you will pull information to bullet-point..
It is advisable to paste the entire copy (writing components) into the first slide presenter's notes for safe keeping.
Choosing a Presentation Software:
Deciding what presentation software to use?
Google Slides
Google Sites
MS Powerpoint
See Design Support in Room 117
Templates are available
Custom design work is available. see design inspiration
When the design is finalized you will be able to copy and paste the text into the presenter's notes. From there you will pull information to bullet-point.
Optional: Individualized Presentations: See room 117
If you haven't spoken with someone about a customized presentation, stop now.
There are student services available to assist you: there are many galleries to choose from, custom design is available, file management organization training, presentation development, Some delivery options could include services to accommodate for voice over and video recordings, pending on students needs.
Tech & Design Support Staff
room 117
Any school hours with a note
If you would like for a Tech & Design student to assist you with a custom design for your presentation do the following:
Create a new Google Doc.
Name "Your Name_DesignInspiration"
Example of design inspiration example
Designers will generate art for your presentation based on your "Design Inspiration Board."
Use the following headings: 1. Colors I want to use, 2. Textures and Icons that interest me, 3. My Font selection, 4. My Favorite things, and find images to support your interest.
How to screen-shot an image.
How to crop and scale and image.
Next: If you have any questions: See
Tech & Design Support Staff
room 117
Any school hours with a note
Link 2 Terms
Link 3 Checklist
Link 4 Blank ILP
Link 5 How to find U Transcripts
Link 6 How to write a resume
Link 7 example of formatting outline
Link 8 Terms
Link 9 writing prompts
Link 10 templates
Link 11 design inspiration
Link 12 How to screen shot, crop, scale and image.
By: Noah Melson
At the end of each school year the Google Drive get archived. Meaning all of your saved documents are placed in another folder than your JCPS BOSS Folder. To locate these file you will need to follow