Step One
Resize the following images to max width 640 px
resoulution 72 dpi
name as "01.jpg" etc
create a folder named "images" in your student directory/folder
- 01.jpg Something in photoshop
- 02.jpg design principles, one doc 6" x 36"
- 03.jpg balance
- 04.jpg alignment
- 05.jpg repitition
- 06.jpg contrast
- 07.jpg space
- 08.jpg proxmitity
- 09.jpg one principle made nice
- 10.gif
make sure to look at the code and remove the red instructions
Your Name
Write using your own words (150 min), about how you will use Interactive Web Media in your future.
01 -Anything in Photoshop
Type in between the p tags
02 -Design Principle Mock-ups
Type in between the p tags
03 -Balance
Type in between the p tags
04 -Alignment
Type in between the p tags
05 -Repitition
Type in between the p tags
06 -Contrast
Type in between the p tags
07 -Space
Type in between the p tags
08 -Proxmitity
Type in between the p tags
09 -Refined
Type in between the p tags
10 -Animated GIF
Type in between the p tags