- DI 01 -Introduction Graphic Design, Photoshop
- DI 02 -File types, Photoshop
- DI 03 -Design Principles Part 1, Photoshop
- DI 04 -Design Principles Part 2, Photoshop
- Resize Images
- AT 02 -Animated gif, Photoshop
- AT 03 -Reference gifs, Photoshop
- AT 01 -Intorduction to Animation with Flash
- AT 04 -Frame by frame animation, Flash
- AT 05 -Motion Tweens, Flash
- ID 01 -Concepts of
- ID 03 -Button, Flash
- ID 05 -Gallery,Flash
- WM 01 -Web Page One -Dreamweaver
- WM 03 -Website, Dreamweaver
- WM 05 -Tile Background, Photoshop & Dreamweaver
- ACSII art
- Animal Letters
- Emotional Words
- Song, Poem, Speech
- idea
- Creating a color pallet with Kuler
- Images to use
- Search Images
- tag reference
- Zip
- Microsoft Office Academy Course
- =[Student Work Examples]=
Digital Imaging
Animation Techinques
Interactive Design
Web Media
Intermediate Multimedia Techniques
Interactive Web MediaSemister 2: