When comes down to playing Video Games i like to have fun both casusaly and competitively.
I love to play pokemon and espicialy catch awesome looking pokemon like my TalonFlame. Right now I ma currently trying to catch all the pokemon in existence or in short complete the pokedex. There are 719 pokemon total and have barely caught 149 of them. After i complete the pokedex I will start to set up a team of pokemon for competitive Battling online. My current team with which I wrecked the Elite 4 is currently being trained again to redistribute thier stats.
Fire Emblem
I also like to Play strategy games such as Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem is a turn based strategy game, it consists of two sides: you and your oppopent. The goal of the game is to whip out the other sides units or to sieze their base. The game is single player, but can have alot of depth if you disscuss strategies with others. One of the things that I like to do and that is part of my main strategy is to level up unpromoted units. This gives me the freedom to build and train my units the way i want, and these units are relativly strong in the late game.