I like to do many things in my free time, and many of them i find intresting and fun. I do tend to not manage my time wisely and end up dioing other things instead, but over all I like having fun.
One of the many things that I like to do is play pokemon. Pokemon is very fun and addictive, i play it mainly for the story but I am trying to build a team for competitive online battles. I love how you can catch different pokemon and befriend them and how befriending them makes them stronger in battle and more resiliant form attacks.
Another thing I enjoy doing is watching Anime. I find Eastern media very appealing to my intrests and entertaining. I like the stories that are developed and brought to life from manga. I watch all my Anime in its original language, Japanese. I like reading the subtitles but i hope to one day learn Japanese, not as excuse to jut consume their media but as a way to further my education and possibile communication with others form their country.
Absolutly loooove reading Japanese Manga. I like the artwork and the way they depict the action in the graphic novels. The stories are full to action and vibrant. I really like the stories because they illustrate how the japanese depict the world and the reach of their creativity.
Video games are my favorite thing to do in my free time. Video games are fun and allow me to explore other worlds created by other people. I like to play games more for their story rather than their gameplay but sometimes I like to do both. Some of my favorite games include: "The Legend of Zelda", "Pokemon", "Mario", "Fire Emblem", and "Minecraft".
One of the things that really want ot start doing in my free time is draw. Ever since I was in Elementry I begged my parents to buy me some drawing books. I really want to draw the characters i grew up but never go the chance. So now that I have a job i can fianlly make that happen. I really want to do things like fan art and develope some color skill. It'll take a while but I'll get their eventually.